Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Powers within, powers to give, powers to take, time to stand, shooting stars in the sky, hopes, wishes, dreams in works, be the one, just like me, to stand out. Why blend in, when you were born to shine, like diamonds in the sky.

Winners, Losers, Learners, Joy In The Mornings, Peace, Love, Happiness. Powers within, powers to give, powers to take, time to stand, shooting stars in the sky, hopes, wishes, dreams in works, be the one, just like me, to stand out. Why blend in, when you were born to shine, like diamonds in the sky.

Wheels to turn,.�� �� ��Pumpkins✨ �� clocks to beat the moments, birds and bees, singing songs, daily events. Write about the wrongs, right about the causes, and the right side of the grave, are the stories being told now, and how twisted, tainted.Powers within, powers to give, powers to take, time to stand, shooting stars in the sky, hopes, wishes, dreams in works, be the one, just like me, to stand out. Why blend in, when you were born to shine, like diamonds in the sky.

Angels.Say What?Illuminati Exposed. ATG Radio Network.This. Changes. Everything. Impossible to choose in a crowd of many.Warmth gives some comfort. W4M. You feeling safe. A companion is all you need.Sorry, no time, or interest in, You make the case for why a woman can never be President. Have other fish to fry, if you want to know, what comes next, need the stats, your age, how tall you are, where you are located, 420 friendly, or connected, questions between us now.

Powers within, powers to give, powers to take, time to stand, shooting stars in the sky, hopes, wishes, dreams in works, be the one, just like me, to stand out. Why blend in, when you were born to shine, like diamonds in the sky. STAY STRONG SOLDIER..WE AIN'T EVEN STARTED YET, IT'S GONNA GET A LOT MESSIER BEFORE IT GETS GOOD.THIS COUNTRY IS IN A BAD WAY "IM OLDER THAN YOU"“If you do what’s hard, your life will be easy. If you do what’s easy, your life will be hard.”

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